Public Documents

And General Information


CC&Rs:  part 1, part 2

Choban Downs HOA Committee Members

Tanya Hancock: Interim Chairperson & Architectural Committee chair

Tracy Kimball: Secretary & Treasurer

Douglas Anderson: Member at Large

Frank Burg: Member at Large

Robin Pope: Member at Large

Paul Catanzaro: Member at Large

Replacing Broken and/or Damaged Mailboxes (April 2023)

As the original mailboxes start to break with age and are damaged from break ins, we have contacted the USPS to see what the process is for replacing a multi-neighbor mailbox. Unfortunately, the USPS does not replace or fix broken or damaged mailboxes. They ask the homeowners to replace them on their own.

We, the Choban Downs HOA board, have looked into and discussed this issue. Repair and/or replacement of the mailboxes is the responsibility of the homeowners, not the HOA. In addition, as you all know, the annual assessment for Choban Downs is $100.00 per lot. This assessment is insufficient to cover the costs of repair and/or replacement of mailboxes.

The current price of replacing a 12-slot mailbox is over $2,500. Prior repairs and/or replacements have been arranged and paid for by the neighbors sharing the mailbox.

We encourage you to get together with your neighbors who share the broken or damaged mailbox and arrange and pay to get a new one installed.

We have done the leg work on who to call for the replacement of a new mailbox. The following people will work with you and the post office to get new keys, remove the old box and dispose of it, and install a new box.

Darin at Mailbox Connection LLC OR-503-359-5589 Wa-253-987-6853

Hal Flake 503-781-9064

We hope this information will be helpful to you as you start the process of replacing your mailbox. Until a new box is installed, the Post Office will hold your mail. You will need to go to their office on 3685 NW Aloclek Place in Hillsboro to pick it up.